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UroCure Patient Brochure

Product Brochure

Read about UroCure’s portfolio of sling system solutions for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women

Product Review for Value Analysis Committees

Product Review for Value Analysis Committees

Find key documents for your institution’s value analysis committee related to UroCure’s three sling systems—the ArcTV, the ArcSP, and the ArcTO: An introduction to UroCure; product overviews of each sling system; 510(k) clearance letters; the Instructions for Use (IFUs); and a 2022 reimbursement guide for female stress incontinence.

UroCure Instructions for Use

Instructions for Use (IFU)

The IFU should be reviewed in its entirety by the physician-user before performing the procedure. Learn specifics about the indications for use; pre-procedures warnings; precautions and adverse events; overview of the sling system and procedural steps; and post-operative care.

UroCure Patient Device Card

Patient Device Card

UroCure is the first sling manufacturer to include a patient device card with each sling. The card is provided to the patient during recovery following sling surgery. Contact UroCure Customer Service for a wallet-sized card(s) at 612-466-0117 or customer

UroCure Resources Letter

510(k) Clearance Letter

Download the regulatory document provided by the US Food and Drug Administration clearing UroCure’s sling systems for sale.

UroCure Reimbursement Guide

2022 Reimbursement Guide

Review the coding and applicable reimbursement rates for a sling procedure.